The Wright Brother's Diary

Did you want a shirt daddy?

When I wake up, I’ve kind of got a little routine. First, I’ve usually lost my binky at some point during the night so I need to call Mom to come help me find it. Once that minor disaster is averted, I can go snuggle with mom on the couch for a while. At this point I remember about Daddy! So I tell Mom that I’m going to go in and see Daddy and I crawl in bed with him for a few minutes. Finally, I’m ready to get up and play so I need to drag Daddy out of bed. So the first thing I need to do is get him dressed. That’s when I say, “you want a shirt daddy?” and I go into his closet and pick one out for him! He even usually wears the one I pick out. Now if I could only reach where he keeps his pants, I could dress him just like me!


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