The Wright Brother's Diary


This morning Chase told me, “You’re the best Mommy ever!… Even though you yelled at me, took my Halloween candy away and won’t let me watch TV. You’re still my favorite”. He’s my favorite too! He’s so good and understanding. He’s wise beyond his years and his sense of humor is brilliant. He’s honest, sincere and loving. I love his attention to detail and his observations of the world and people- his assessments are always spot-on. He is a master of Legos and cars are his passion. I feel as much sadness as I do pride as I watch my baby grow into a boy. I hold on a little tighter and longer as his hugs get fewer and shorter everyday. I find myself tearing up while listening as he does his reading lessons, knowing that he doesn’t need me to read to him and it won’t be long before he stops asking me to all together. He can make his own snacks, dress himself and reach things that are high up. His voice is so clear now, I miss the sounds of his fumbling words. He believes in Santa Claus and he’s afraid of monsters- soon this will fade too. I miss my little boy, I miss my baby, but I love the person he is and the boy is becoming. I am thankful for Chase, he challenges me, he does not waver, he questions my reason and demands an explanation- rightly so. He teaches me something new almost everyday and reminds me of how fun and good and simple life is. I am lucky to be his mom. I am thankful for Chase.

– Kristin

1 Comment

  1. Christie

    Wow! You hit the nail on the head with this one….and brought a tear to my eye. Beautiful!!


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