The Wright Brother's Diary

Apple of my eye.

Ok, I’ve had applesauce before and it’s pretty good, but last weekend I got the real deal. How cool! Dad picked a little apple off of a tree in the backyard – who knew those things grew on trees – and gave it to me. I wasn’t sure about it at first, but once you get through the skin to the inside part, it’s awesome! And I can just hold on to it and munch it whenever I want. I like foods that I can hold on to and eat. We had a nectarine too which was juicier and messier, but just as much fun to eat – maybe better 🙂


  1. Grandpa B

    Hey Buddy, I know it has been awhile since I wrote, I had to get a new computer, the old one kinda died. Grandma Lisa thinks I broke it on purpose so I could get a new one. She is so funny! This one came with a lot of really neat stuff (for a small fee) that a guy has to have.
    I hear you had a pretty good birthday party, they are always lots of fun. I hope to see the pictures soon. It looks like you are getting pretty grown up there. How is the training coming with Mom and Dad? You just have to keep at it, they’ll come around. I know they will try to tell you things that don’t make sense like: “It’s for your own good” or my favorite that my dad always used “this will hurt me more than you”. I gotta tell you he was way off on that one!
    Looking at these pictures, I can not imagine you ever causing your folks any problems though.
    Take care of yourself buddy and I will check in on you later. Say hi to mom and dad for me…love grandpa B

  2. Grandpa B

    Hey buddy! I just wanted to write and tell you happy b’day. I can’t wait to see the pics. You are growing up to be quite a little man. Take care of mom and dad, say hi to everyone. Love ya….Grandpa B

  3. Elyse

    Hi Chase! Just had to drop a line after looking at you…..makes me wanna squeeze you and smother you with kisses. Been thinking of you lately, especially now that you’re “1.” There’s so much more you can do now that you’re older. Although I’m a bit older than you, we have something big in common. My birthday is 2 days before yours and it’s important that a fellow “virgo” fill you in on our impact on the universe and explain some things only another virgo would understand. Next time I see you, we’ll have that discussion. Meanwhile, don’t get impatient with others’ imperfections….it’s just a curse we must live with! Happy belated birthday sweetie….can’t wait to see you again. Say hi to mom and dad….miss and love you all…..

    P.S. Let your parents know that the big green thing with huge tires is for mowing grass !! XOXOX


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