The Wright Brother's Diary


Hi there!

Well, I will be the first to admit that I am getting a bit lazy with my blogging. I am becoming more active, so I am getting away from the computer more, now. I LOVE TO PLAY! Peek-a-boo is one of my favorites! I love it! I get so excited when I play, it makes me laugh hysterically! My new favorite words are “Where’s Chase!”

I am also enjoying my new means of mobility. I am rolling all over the place, no grounds are sacred to me. I am ready to and just waiting to crawl, but I can feel the pressure from the folks, so I am going to let them sweat this one out a bit longer. I have to keep them guessing. There is no fun in predictability.

Hey…guess what I can do! I blow bubbles! Pbbubbbbubbb….. I learned this in swim class (or when Mommy and Daddy blow on my tummy) but I like to do it all of the time! Speaking of swimming, we start out second session of swimming classes next week. This time we will only go once a week, three times a week was too much. (It is not like I am training for the Olympic Team!) But, I can’t wait to get back in the water!

One last thing – mom and dad are trying to get me to go to sleep earlier than usual. I usually go to sleep about midnight or 1:00 in the morning. Now they’re trying to get me to bed at 10:00! What the… Well, I try and fight it, but I’m usually just too dang tired! I try and wake up at about 2:00 and demand something to eat though- just to show my parents who’s really boss.

Well, I should go play so I guess that’s it for now. I’ll talk to ya later.


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